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The collective leader: Power through trust – Harvard Business Review France – 17/07/17

Echos Chronicles



Review by PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – HBR France – June 17, 2017 

In order to drive true collective success, a leader must be humble, visionary and confident to get the best out of his or her collaborators.

The observation of high-performance teams reveals that effective cooperation stems, first and foremost, from a state of mind and a culture of the collective that place everyone as an actor of collective success.
This efficient cooperation usually starts with a shared diagnosis, a common vision of the team’s challenges and opportunities. It is rooted in one direction and is established within a clear framework that feeds the will of the actors to arrive at co-developed solutions and proposals that go beyond what any one of the team members might propose, alone on his side. It is measured by the actual results, which everyone can be proud of because they know they are recognized for the contribution they have made.
 In this context, the impetus given and the leadership style adopted by the team leader are crucial. For if everyone is now aware that the commitment and initiative of teams and organizations make all the difference in the face of important challenges In a “Vuca” world(Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity is an acronym used by the US Army), moving from theory to practice requires more than good collaborative tools and a synthesis capability, of vision and work. Cooperation versus competition? Responsabilisation versus pressure? Balance between short and long term? Focus on “how” versus “why”? On the collective versus the individual? On the “and” versus the “or”? Here are the key keys to collective leaders and how to develop them.

 Humility: Accepting and meeting the challenge of uncertainty

Technological disruptions, new entrants, regulatory changes, scarcity of raw materials, economic, financial, social, environmental crises, etc. The company’s ecosystem is constantly evolving ▶ read more on HBR France

Paule Boffa-Comby

>> Find this review on: HarvardBuisnessReviewFrance

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