Keynote at Kellogg’s Europe – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – Shifting the way we work
Keynote at Kellogg’s Europe – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – feb 2020 – Shifting the way we work – Feb 5th 2020
Paule Boffa-Comby, President of ReThink & LEAD & author of Change Methods! was honored to be part of the Category Meeting of Kellog’s Europe to help them figure out how they could be even more effective as a team to cope with their huge challenges.
February 5th 2020.
February 5th 2020.
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Keynote at Kellogg’s Europe – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – Shifting the way we work
2020-02-05 09:00:00
2022-05-16 11:09:31
2021-09-03 09:29:21
Paule Boffa-Comby
Keynote at Kellogg’s Europe – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – feb 2020 – Shifting the way we work – Feb 5th 2020 Paule Boffa-Comby, President of ReThink & LEAD & author of Change Methods! was honored to be part of the Category Meeting of Kellog’s Europe to help them figure out how they could be even more effective as a team to cope with their huge challenges.February 5th 2020.
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