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Collective Leaders®, a new Art of Power: Ten Key Habits

Our interactive books



Interactive publication
(Business cases studies and exclusives testimonials)

Besides Change Leaders for over 15 years, I have been able to observe, support and facilitate many profound, personal, organizational and team transformations.
Witnessing the power of the collective that can result from new leadership postures and be anchored in new managerial practices, more and more empowering, more collective, I propose here 10 golden rules that make up a new art of power. The common features of observed Collective Leaders® will help you move your gaze, break away from your own chains, and free your collaborators and your entire organization from the shackles that “train” them and force them to exploit only the surface of their talents.
Let yourself be guided and inspired by these 10 “good habits” of Collective Leader® by practical cases of companies and exclusive testimonies of executives.

Are you ready to become a Collective Leader®?

🔑 Navigate through our interactive publication and get inspired by exclusive cases and testimonials

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