Keynote at BNP PARIBAS – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY –New world, new needs : How leadership should evolve ?
Keynote at BNP PARIBAS – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – June 2015 – New World, new needs, new leadership ?
Paule Boffa-Comby, President of PEMA-Partenaire - ReThink & LEAD & author of Walk the Talk (Cherche-midi) was honored to interact with key actors of BNP Paribas gathered for a really interactive webinar to help them figure out how they could be even more effective as change agents to cope with the challenges they are facing and find new ways to lead.
June 2015.
June 2015.
Keynote at BNP PARIBAS – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY –New world, new needs : How leadership should evolve ?
2015-06-12 22:00:00
2022-08-08 01:40:18
2021-09-03 09:29:21
Paule Boffa-Comby
Keynote at BNP PARIBAS – PAULE BOFFA-COMBY – June 2015 – New World, new needs, new leadership ? Paule Boffa-Comby, President of PEMA-Partenaire - ReThink & LEAD & author of Walk the Talk (Cherche-midi) was honored to interact with key actors of BNP Paribas gathered for a really interactive webinar to help them figure out how they could be even more effective as change agents to cope with the challenges they are facing and find new ways to lead.June 2015.
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