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4 ideas to remember… “The collective leader, a new art of power”-Les Echos (Valérie Landrieu)

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4 ideas to remember… “The collective leader, a new art of power”-Les Echos-20/3/17

A specialist in the management of executives, Paule-Boffa Comby proposes to increase the potential of the company by relocating the man to the Centre. How to develop leadership based on meaning and trust? How can we promote collective success? And explore various transformation pathways to become a “collective leader”?

Non-change is costly 

For the sake of savings, companies are reluctant to invest in the development of managers. However, the cost of immobilism, as a consequence of turnover and/or disengagement, remains much higher. 60 to 70 change programs fail due to lack of ownership of employees. 

Uncertainty, the only certainty 

Accepting this new paradigm is doing with what is available, taking advantage of it and preparing to seize opportunities. This less anxiogenic mindset allows the leader to develop “precious plasticity” and increased sensitivity to weak signals. As long as you agree to no longer be able to know everything and control everything.

Ne pas oser, c’est déjà échouer

Companies regulated by strict standards and strong processes nourish a culture of zero risk. But collateral damage can be fraught with consequences: they are too frequently involved in discouraging the taking of initiatives. A company must have processes, but to multiply them, it becomes almost an activity to be done in itself and some collaborators sometimes end up losing sight of the reason and the sense of their presence. The risk? Let’s just apply the process instead of trying to achieve the shared goal. 

1+1 = 5

To encourage talents to put themselves in the service of a collective power, not to confront them in a personal competition, is to be able to exceed the sum of individual potentials and to benefit the company.

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